Australia bank CEOs call for a fix to housing shortage

Post Content
2024-03-26 03:11:35

More ethnic minority bosses at top UK companies

A review of the largest companies shows there are now 12 ethnic minority CEOs at FTSE 100 firms.
2024-03-11 07:09:18

Nevetségesen keveset keresnek Japánban a bankvezérek

A japán bankvezérek javadalmazása töredéke annak, amit a globális versenytársaknál fizetnek ? hívta fel a figyelmet a Bloomberg.
2023-06-28 12:10:34

China Shifts Approach Toward De-Risking With Appeals to CEOs

Post Content
2023-06-28 05:07:51

In hard times, Corporate America looks out for its CEOs

Part of the deal with being the boss is you get paid top dollar in exchange for taking on the most risk.
2023-04-07 02:06:23

CEOs are tired of being held responsible for gun regulation

Americans have grown used to corporate executives treading the well-worn paths of the Northeast corridor to convene alongside elected officials in Washington, DC, and discuss geopolitics, policy and all that's in-between.
2023-04-03 17:07:10

Több mint két millió euróval nőhet az UniCredit vezérigazgatójának a fizetése

20% és 40% közötti fizetésemelést kaphat az UniCredit vezérigazgatója, így akár évente 10,5 millió eurót is kereshet - írja a Reuters az olasz Il Sole 24 újságra hivatkozva.
2023-02-27 09:07:30

Aggódnak a bankvezérek, miközben azt mondogatják, hogy minden rendben 

A bankok optimisták a gazdasági helyzettel kapcsolatban a recessziós előrejelzések ellenére, néhány pénzintézet azonban mégis lépéseket tesz a spórolás érdekében - írja a Reuters.
2023-02-16 07:27:51

CEO pay cuts are just the start

Corporate boards are slashing the pay of some leading CEOs in a new trend that could just be getting started.
2023-01-31 00:19:39

Ez már szárnyalás: a forint újabb lélektani határt célzott meg

Ám ha úgy alakul, Magyarországon elkerülhetetlen lehet a recesszió.
2023-01-22 11:10:08

A világ elitje átölelte egymást, miközben fogalmuk sincs, mi vár ránk idén

A világ legnagyobb problémáit vitatták meg a svájci síparadicsomban.
2023-01-21 17:17:33

Davos takeaway: The economy is a mess, but there's hope

Friday marks the end of the annual World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland, an elite gathering of some of the wealthiest people and world leaders.
2023-01-20 19:33:37

Davos CEOs are using ChatGPT to write work emails

Jeff Maggioncalda, the CEO of online learning provider Coursera, said that when he first tried ChatGPT, he was "dumbstruck." Now, it's part of his daily routine.
2023-01-20 19:14:38

From the Emirates to Davos: South Korea's big week in global business

South Korea's leader is capping off a whirlwind week, after securing tens of billions of dollars in investment from the Middle East and vowing to have his country play a more important role in revitalizing international supply chains.
2023-01-20 19:14:37

Greta Thunberg: A busz alá dobják az embereket az energiacégek

A svéd aktivista felszólította a globális energiaipar vezetőit.
2023-01-20 09:39:43

Ukraine's president Zelensky addresses Davos forum after fatal helicopter crash

Ukraine's interior minister is among the 14 killed in the helicopter crash beside a nursery.
2023-01-19 11:14:15

'Inconsistent with human survival': UN chief slams fossil fuel industry expansion in Davos speech

The UN Secretary General has accused fossil fuel producers and their financial backers of "racing to expand production, knowing full well that their business model is inconsistent with human survival."
2023-01-18 19:10:42

Analysis: Corporate backlash came too late to stop Georgia's new election law

A belated but growing corporate backlash came too late to halt Georgia's new election law but voting rights activists are now calling on US CEOs to prove their long-term commitment to the fight against Republican voter suppression.
2021-04-01 08:05:52

CEOs like Jeff Bezos are grappling with new political realities

The political forces governing Washington have changed dramatically this year, with Democrats in control of both the White House and Congress. That's forcing some of the country's most powerful corporations to rethink their approach to contentious policy debates.
2021-04-07 15:05:39

CEOs vow to fight voting restrictions despite threats from Trump and McConnell

Dozens of business leaders held an hour-long brainstorming session over the weekend to discuss ways to fight controversial voting restrictions proposed in states around the country.
2021-04-12 16:05:42

CEOs urge world leaders to take bolder climate action

More than 70 CEOs from some of the world's biggest companies have urged governments to do much more to tackle climate change, including forcing businesses to reduce their carbon emissions.
2021-06-10 15:05:41

It's time for CEOs to do more for the LGBTQ community than flash rainbow logos

When my brother died of AIDS 26 years ago this week, there were no celebratory Pride flags waving, no rainbow-clad corporate logos flooding social media with support. Instead, on that June day, I had to peruse a scant list of crematoriums willing to burn his virus-ravaged body, then flew back home with a plastic container holding his ashes between my feet.
2021-06-28 16:05:41

CEOs made 299 times more than their average workers last year

The difference between CEO and median employee pay grew in 2020 despite the Covid pandemic and ongoing relief efforts.
2021-07-14 19:05:43

More than 140 business leaders urge lawmakers to pass infrastructure bill

Dozens of business leaders, including the CEOs of BlackRock, United Airlines and Macy's, called on lawmakers Monday to swiftly enact the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill that is stalled in Congress.
2021-07-27 04:05:42

The Activision Blizzard lawsuit could be a watershed moment for the business world. Here's why

Even if you're not an avid gamer, there's a good chance you've heard of "Call of Duty," "World of Warcraft" or "Candy Crush." Those games, which are played by hundreds of millions of people around the world and have in some cases attained the status of cultural phenomena, all belong to one California company helmed by one of America's longest-serving CEOs.
2021-08-04 17:05:48

How Tim Cook has grown the Apple empire in his decade as CEO

When Tim Cook took over as chief executive of Apple, it was a corporate transition unlike any other. He stepped out from the shadow of one of the best-known American CEOs and took the reins of one of the world's biggest tech companies facing some uncertainty about how much more successful it could be.
2021-08-24 13:05:44

Jogerősen 15 évet kapott az élettársát megfojtó és sósavval leöntő dávodi nő

Jogerősen tizenöt év fegyházra ítélte a Szegedi Ítélőtáblaazt a dávodi asszonyt, aki 2019-ben megfojtotta élettársát, majd a holttestet elásta és sósavat öntött rá. H. Erzsébet Tünde 2019 áprilisában költözött a férfi dávodi albérletébe azok után, hogy megismerkedtek az interneten. Május elején pedig a nő is bejelentkezhetett az ingatlanba. A nőnek nem volt munkája, a férfi pedig közmunkásként dolgozott és alkalmi munkákat is vállalt, így a férfi keresetéből éltek. Ennek ellenére az emberöléssel vádolt nő még a házimunkákat sem végezte el otthon és azt akarta, hogy a férfi további alkalmi mun...
2021-09-07 14:06:09

Consumer CEOs have many questions about Biden's vaccine order

The trade group that represents consumer brands including Coca-Cola, Kellogg and Campbell Soup fired off a letter to President Joe Biden on Monday with a laundry list of questions about his new vaccine mandate.
2021-09-13 07:06:09

Biden, CEOs, biz leaders meet on COVID-19 vaccine mandates

2021-09-15 17:06:38

Romelu Lukaku urges social media CEOs to sit down with players to stop online abuse

In an exclusive interview with CNN Sport, Chelsea striker Romelu Lukaku has urged the CEOs of social media companies to sit down with leading Premier League stars to try and put an end to the abuse that footballers receive online.
2021-09-23 11:05:44

Exclusive: Lukaku urges social media CEOs to sit down with players to stop online abuse

In an exclusive interview with CNN Sport, Chelsea striker Romelu Lukaku has urged the CEOs of social media companies to sit down with leading Premier League stars to try and put an end to the abuse that footballers receive online.
2021-09-23 11:05:53

Romelu Lukaku: Football superstar calls for social media CEOs and footballers to meet

Chelsea's Romelu Lukaku has called for Big Tech CEOs, governments and football bodies to have a meeting with Premier League players to come up with solutions to deal with racism and discrimination in the game. The Belgian superstar was speaking exclusively to CNN ahead of Chelsea's No To Hate campaign.
2021-10-15 15:05:46

CEOs are joining the 'Great Resignation'

CEO turnover spiked in the first half of 2021, as companies tapped new talent to navigate the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic and stressed-out chief executives sought a career change, a study from recruiting firm Heidrick & Struggles found.
2021-11-18 15:07:17

He took charge of Amazon's biggest moneymaker. Now he faces a new set of challenges

When Jeff Bezos decided to give up his role as Amazon's chief executive earlier this year, it prompted the company to name not one but two new CEOs. The first, Andy Jassy, replaced Bezos as CEO of Amazon's sprawling business. The second, Adam Selipsky, was hired in March to fill Jassy's old role as CEO of Amazon's single biggest moneymaker: Amazon Web Services (AWS).
2021-11-23 10:13:05

Parag Agrawal: Why Indian-born CEOs dominate Silicon Valley

Parag Agrawal, Twitter's new CEO, is the latest of several Indian-Americans leading global tech firms.
2021-12-04 02:08:08

Davos business conference postponed over Omicron

The World Economic Forum has been rescheduled for "early summer" due to the spread of Covid.
2021-12-20 16:08:47

Global experts are very worried about the future, Davos survey finds

Many business leaders, politicians and academics are overwhelmingly pessimistic about the threat Covid-19 still poses even as the pandemic enters its third year. They worry that an uneven economic recovery could deepen divisions within societies and between countries.
2022-01-11 16:05:59

Kemény üzenet a kínai elnöktől: a szembenállásnak mindig katasztrofális következményei voltak

A kínai elnök a davosi Világgazdasági Fórum alkalmából rendezett videókonferencián arra kérte a világ országait, hogy hagyjanak fel a szerinte jelenleg tapasztalható hidegháborús mentalitással ? írja a CNBC.
2022-01-17 15:07:44

Figyelmeztetnek a légitársaságok: katasztrofális válság jön a repülésben az új 5G-állomásokkal

Együttesen emelték fel a hangjukat az AT&T és a Verizon új, a repülőterek mellett felállított 5G-állomásokkal szemben a nagy amerikai utas- és teherszállító légitársaságok vezetői, szerintük ugyanis ez az irány válságot hoz el a légiközlekedésben ? számol be a hírről a Reuters.
2022-01-17 21:07:43

Katasztrófát idézhet elő a nagy 5G-bővítés több légitársaság szerint

Nagy légitársaságok vezetői szerint több tízezer amerikai hazaútját sodorhatja veszélybe, ha a telekommunikációs szolgáltatók bekapcsolják az új C-sávban üzemelő 5G-hálózataikat az Egyesült Államokban. Ezért azt kérik, hogy a nagy csomópontok környékén egyáltalán ne működjenek ilyen tornyok ? írja a Reuters. Az American Airlines, a Delta Air Lines, a United Airlines és a Southwest Airlines közös nyílt levelében azt írja, hogy kevesebb mint 36 órán belül valódi légiközlekedési katasztrófa alakulhat ki, ha a hónapok óta csúsztatott indulás most megtörténik. A szolgáltatók a légügyi hatóság (FAA...
2022-01-18 17:07:32

German leader champions new tack on climate at Davos event

2022-01-19 15:07:12

Climate, COVID, China: Takeaways from online Davos event

2022-01-21 19:12:17

Megduplázták vagyonukat a világ leggazdagabb emberei a járvány alatt

Davos ? Amíg az emberek többségének anyagi nehézséget, sokaknak munkanélküliséget hozott a járvány, addig a világ tíz leggazdagabb embere megduplázta a vagyonát, amely immár 1500 milliárd dollár (476 ezer milliárd Ft).
2022-01-24 17:06:07

Megduplázták vagyonukat a világ leggazdagabb emberei a járvány alatt

Davos ? Amíg az emberek többségének anyagi nehézséget, sokaknak munkanélküliséget hozott a járvány, addig a világ tíz leggazdagabb embere megduplázta a vagyonát, amely immár 1500 milliárd dollár (476 ezer milliárd Ft).
2022-01-24 17:06:11

Megduplázták vagyonukat a világ leggazdagabb emberei a járvány alatt

Davos ? Amíg az emberek többségének anyagi nehézséget, sokaknak munkanélküliséget hozott a járvány, addig a világ tíz leggazdagabb embere megduplázta a vagyonát, amely immár 1500 milliárd dollár (476 ezer milliárd Ft).
2022-01-24 17:06:26

Pentagon to host high-level meeting to 'light a fire' and speed up hypersonic weapon development

The Pentagon is preparing to push the CEOs of America's largest defense companies to accelerate hypersonic weapons development by hosting a high-level meeting next week with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.
2022-01-29 16:05:48

The titans of Wall Street are getting much bigger paychecks

Big Wall Street firms enjoyed a stellar 2021 thanks to a booming stock market and a frenzy of mergers and initial public offerings. Bankers and CEOs are reaping the rewards.
2022-02-02 19:12:40

Most CEOs say rate hikes won't quickly solve inflation crisis

The Federal Reserve has expressed confidence inflation will get under control soon. Business leaders are not so sure.
2022-02-10 18:07:32

'Super Pumped: The Battle for Uber' takes another ride through the world of tech titans

A cross between "The Social Network" and "Billions," "Super Pumped: The Battle For Uber" hails from the producers of the latter, drawing extra zest from all the tech CEOs represented in this fun, fact-based tale of greed, high-stakes corporate chess and frat-boy excess. With Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Kyle Chandler anchoring the cast, it's well worth hopping aboard.
2022-02-27 18:16:50

Gas prices are high. Oil CEOs reveal why they're not drilling more

The US oil industry doesn't appear to be in any rush to come to the rescue of Americans struggling with high gas prices. Oil company CEOs say Wall Street is to blame.
2022-03-25 17:17:03

'Big Oil' CEOs set to testify before Congress amid skyrocketing gas prices

Post Content
2022-04-06 12:20:07

Lawmaker blasts Big Oil CEOs at hearing: 'You are ripping off the American people'

Leading oil company CEOs declined on Wednesday to endorse a call from Democrats to reduce dividends and share buybacks and plow the money into ramping up production instead.
2022-04-07 18:10:12

Itt a cégek listája, ahol a vezető több mint ezerszer annyit keres, mint a dolgozói

Nagyot emelkedett tavaly az amerikai vállalatok vezetőinek fizetése, ahogy a világ magához tért a koronavírus-válságból ? derül ki az Equilar friss tanulmányából, ami a 100 legnagyobb amerikai cég vezérigazgatójának fizetését vizsgálta. A vezetői fizetések minden összetevője emelkedett, de legnagyobb mértékben a készpénzes bónuszok és a részvényjutalmak ugrottak meg 2021-ben.
2022-04-19 12:11:33

Most CEOs are bracing for a recession

The mood in the C-Suite is darkening.
2022-05-18 13:06:39

Davos is back and the world has changed. Have the global elite noticed?

The last time top politicians, CEOs and billionaires gathered in a Swiss mountain village to discuss society's biggest problems and pitch their solutions, the coronavirus outbreak in China was little more than a remote threat. The economy was humming, and a major armed conflict in Europe was on nobody's list of major risks.
2022-05-22 12:08:49

Davos is back and the world has changed. Have the global elite noticed?

The last time top politicians, CEOs and billionaires gathered in a Swiss mountain village to discuss society's biggest problems and pitch their solutions, the coronavirus outbreak in China was little more than a remote threat. The economy was humming, and a major armed conflict in Europe was on nobody's list of major risks.
2022-05-22 13:06:30

EXPLAINER: What are the key climate themes at Davos?

Post Content
2022-05-22 15:07:23

Climate to conflict, Davos' post-COVID return has full plate

Post Content
2022-05-22 17:14:42

Germany urges Hungary to agree to a Russian oil embargo

Germany's frustration over some European countries' resistance to an embargo of Russia's oil was laid bare on Monday.
2022-05-23 17:07:14

Global economy faces 'its biggest test' since WWII

The global economy is being brought to the edge of a precipice by crisis upon crisis.
2022-05-23 17:07:18

A new billionaire has been minted nearly every day during the pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic has been good for the wallets of the wealthy.
2022-05-23 17:07:24

Dollármilliomosok tüntetnek Davosban azért, hogy keményebben adóztassák meg őket

Az előrejelzések szerint jövőre több mint 250 000 brit háztartás kerülhet a szegénységi küszöb alá a megugró élelmiszer- és energiaszámlák miatt.
2022-05-23 17:16:14


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